Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Stack in ARM

Different types of Stack:

Descending and Ascending: The stack grows downwards, starting with higher address and progressing to lower one(a descending stack). or upwards, starting with lower address and progressing to higher one(a ascending stack).

Empty or Full Stack:
The stack pointer can either point to the last item in the stack(a full stack), or the next free space on the stack(an empty stack).

To make it easier for the programmer, stack-oriented suffixes can be used instead of the
increment or decrement, and before or after suffixes

For example:
STMFD sp!, {r0-r5} ; Push onto a Full Descending Stack
LDMFD sp!, {r0-r5} ; Pop from a Full Descending Stack

! signifies, final address is written back to sp.

The Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture (AAPCS), and ARM and Thumb C and C++ compilers always use a full descending stack. The PUSH and POP instructions assume a full descending stack.

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